
What Does Medication Management Include? | Myrtle Creek Medication Therapy Management

Managing your medication and health condition can be easier with medication therapy management in Myrtle Creek. Talk to our pharmacists today to learn how.

What Does Medication Management Include?

Myrtle Creek Medication Therapy Management Services

Myrtle Creek medication therapy management makes staying on top of multiple medications and/or health conditions like diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure easier. Medication therapy management, MTM for short, helps you manage your medications and overall health. Another benefit is many health care plans, including some Medicare and Medicaid plans, cover MTM’s costs.

Myrtle Drugs offers MTM to help you and other patients:

  • Keep track of multiple medications for different health conditions
  • Manage health and medications
  • Handle medications’ side effects
  • Monitor certain medications
  • Address cost-related concerns

The Pharmacists at Myrtle Drugs in Myrtle Creek can support you in handling several medication-related challenges with the following services. Call our pharmacy today to discuss how we can make your medication management and monitoring easier.

Contact Myrtle Drugs today.

  • Review Medication Therapy
  • Pharmacists can make sure you get the most out of MTM by learning about your medical history. The pharmacist you work with will ask if you’ve experienced medication-related issues in the past. He or she can then determine what medication can help your current condition and lead to no or minimal side effects. This is one of the ways pharmacists can personalize MTM for you.
  • Pharmacotherapy Consult
  • A pharmacotherapy consult is when another health care provider, potentially a pharmacist, assists with MTM. An additional medical expert’s perspective can help our pharmacists provide you with medication that will improve your condition and be safe to use. Pharmacotherapy consults aren’t necessary for every patient. Typically, a pharmacotherapy consult will be part of MTM for patients with a more serious health condition.
  • Support Managing Conditions
  • Medication can significantly improve your condition, however, there’s more you can do. Certain lifestyle changes, which depend on the patient and condition, can complement medication. Signing up for MTM includes pharmacists coaching you on how to manage your condition by yourself. Guidance like this can support your overall wellness and reduce your health care costs because you may not need medication as often.
  • Immunization
  • Every Myrtle Drugs pharmacist can administer immunizations, and patients who sign up for MTM have special access to these immunizations. Pharmacists identify which immunizations patients in MTM can benefit from based on their condition and medical history. Working to make sure patients with a particular condition receive immunizations can keep them and those they’re around healthy. Myrtle Creek pharmacists educate patients on immunizations before administering them, so they know what’s going in their bodies and the benefits.
  • Helping Overall Wellness in the Community
  • MTM including immunizations is just one of the ways pharmacists in Myrtle Creek help improve the community’s wellness. Preventing common conditions, like diabetes, and educating patients on weight management and more positive lifestyle changes can benefit the entire community. Real change can happen when more people have more knowledge on how to lead happy, healthy lives.
  • MTM Can Help Manage Your Condition and the Community
  • Myrtle Drugs’ MTM services include the extra care you need to treat your condition and enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Our pharmacists would be happy to answer any questions you have about MTM and educate you on its benefits!

Call Myrtle Drugs today to learn how MTM can help you take control of your health!